5th Edition

(This page of SealFAQs has been revised so that the most current news, updates and events will be shown first.  This page will be updated regularly as work proceeds on 5th Edition.)

January 3, 2019

The API 682  5th Edition Taskforce has held three meetings since the meeting of November 16.  Taskforce meetings are held every two weeks using a combination of Adobe Connect video conferencing and telephone connections.  Some progress is being made, especially with regard to larger shaft sizes and higher pressures.

Higher pressures, especially pressures typical of pipeline services, will be addressed with a new seal category:  Category 4.  Category 4 seals are intended for use up to 1440 psig.  Because such services are not typically at high temperatures, Category 4 seals are limited to seal chamber temperatures from -40 F to +350 F.   Because Category 4 seals are rated for high pressures, metal bellow seals will not be included in Category 4.

Larger shaft sizes will be available only for Category 4 seals; the shaft size ranges for Category 1, 2, and 3 will not be changed from 4th Edition.   This means that should a large seal be needed for a particular service then that seal must be a Category 4 seal.  It is anticipated that a set of new seal chamber dimensions will be developed; however, these dimensions will be part of the pump standard, API 610.

Interestingly, although higher pressures and larger shaft sizes are being added specifically for pipeline services and pipeline services are a major topic of discussion, one of the goals for 5th Edition is to drop all application specific requirements.  The words “refinery” and “pipeline” will be omitted from 5th Edition.

November 16, 2018

The 5th Edition Taskforce resumed telephone and video conference meetings in October.  The Taskforce consists of 42 members from End Users, Engineering Contractors and seal/pump OEMS.  Meetings are  held every two weeks.

A spreadsheet contains questions and comments from 4th Edition.  A new draft working copy of 5th Edition is being used to record changes.    The first meeting topics were mostly concerned with organization and clearing up typographical errors and relatively simple questions carried over from 4th Edition.

Anticipated changes include

  • remove industry specific references such as pipelines and refineries
  • larger shafts
  • higher pressures
  • redefine “Engineered Seals”
  • a new category, Category 4.

A presentation has been prepared in order to update the SOME at the fall API meeting in Orlando.  The presentation includes a request for guidance regarding pressure limits and acceptable leakage rates.  The Taskforce also needs more members from the pipeline industry.

Kick Off Meeting March 21, 2018

The API 682 Task Force held a meeting via video conference on March 21.  This “Kick Off” meeting was the first one chaired by Jarrod Streets of BP.  Discussions were mostly about organization and planning although some details were mentioned.

A subcommittee was appointed to recommend assignments to task force members based on their expertise.

API 682 5th Edition is expected to include larger shaft sizes and higher pressures – especially for pipe line services.  By agreement with the API 610 committee, necessary dimensions for increased shaft sizes will be placed in a temporary annex of API 682 5th Edition.  That annex will then be moved to the next edition of API 610.  The general feeling is that a new seal category (Category 4) be developed for high pressures.  Apparently, the API Sub-Committee on Mechanical Equipment (SOME) prefers that pipeline applications be addressed in the main body of the standard and not in an annex.  However, several task force members prefer an annex for pipeline services.

Future Task Force meeting will be mostly by video conference and scheduled roughly every month.

Reorganization January 24, 2018

The API 682 Task Force has been reorganized.  The new chairman is Jarrod Streets; new vice chairman is Chris Andrews.  Morg Bruck remains secretary.  A task force representative will make a presentation on progress towards 5th Edition at the API meeting in November.  In the meantime, there will be both face-to-face meetings and telephone conferences to discuss proposed changes in API 682.  New topics to be discussed include increases in shaft size, pressure and temperature.

Task Force to Meet in 1Q2018

The anticipated Task Force meeting following the 33rd Pump Symposia in Houston has been cancelled.  Instead, the next Task Force meeting will be sometime during the first quarter of 2018.

First Task Force Meeting

The first meeting of the API 682 Task Force for 5th Edition was held in Dallas, Texas November 11 and 12, 2017.  This was a face-to-face meeting.  The focus of this meeting was previous comments submitted to the API about 4th Edition as well as some of the later comments previous set aside from 4th Edition.  These comments and the results of the discussions were incorporated into a very early draft of 5th edition which is, in fact, a “track changes” version of 4th Edition.  The next Task Force meeting will be during the 33rd Pump Symposia in December in Houston. As in the past, many of the follow-up meetings will likely be by telephone conferences.

The API have indicated a need for updates to 4th Edition and organization of the 5th Edition Taskforce has begun.   Leaders of the taskforce include:

  • Chairman – Joe Thorpe of Aramco Services (previously chairman of 2nd Edition Taskforce.
  • Vice Chairman – Christopher Andrews
  • Secretary – Morg Brock, consultant (previously secretary of 4th Edition Taskforce).

Expected topics of discussion include:

  • response to previously submitted comments to API
  • “left over” and late submitted items from 4th Edition
  • pipeline seals
  • larger pump shafts
  • experience with Piping Plan 66A/B.