Tag Archives: drawing

Learning to Draw

I haven’t abandoned SealFAQs or even neglected it.  I’ve been busy learning to draw using Adobe Illustrator.  Here’s an example of a mating ring that I recently drew.

Mating Ring with Good Wear Track
Mating Ring with Good Wear Track

Hope this looks like a mating ring to you!  It’s a shame that I can’t draw.  I’ve had engineering drafting and can make simple 2D drawings but not 3D.

I thought that, by using Adobe Illustrator, I could make simple 2D shapes and extrude them to 3D,  Perhaps that can be done but I can’t seem to get it to work.  Instead, I’m drawing the 2D shape/face and projecting it back for 3D.   Next I have to learn to use gradients and shading.

All this to create illustrations of seal face wear patterns and damage.